Drew + Rose
Drew + Rose won the second of the two anniversary sessions that I gave away with Manda Carpenter on Instagram. I couldn’t wait to get to know these two and get them in front of my camera because as you can and will see, they are absolutely adorable!! These two lovebirds celebrated their 4 years of wedded bliss on July 14th. They’ve had a lot of transition as they adventured out to Colorado soon after getting married and then just recently moved back to their home state. It’s so fun to hear every couples unique story and how they’ve continued to grow their friendship and adoration for each other even through so much of the craziness we call life!!
I met up with Drew + Rose at Bonneyville Mill as we explored a little and came to this AMAZING flower garden that I was just a liiiiittle obsessed with! I kept saying how it felt like we were in a Doctor Seuss story book!! I’m sure they are gone now, or maybe not, but if you’re around the area you should definitely make it a point to go check these out sometime!
Can’t wait for you to see all the beautiful love these two share and shared with me in front of my camera! Seriously they are the CUTEST!! Also, pay close attention to Drew’s SUPER awesome “ring” tattoo. It’s a rose! Like her name!! Get it?? haha I just couldn’t get over how cute it was!!
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